Your horse challenges you to British Team Chasing

October 09, 2018
Thrilling, exhilarating and the ultimate fast-paced equestrian fix. We find out why the sport of team chasing has so many benefits for you and your horse. 

"Team chasing is the ultimate adrenaline sport," states Jane Carley, press officer for British Team Chasing. "Galloping and jumping across country, tackling hedges, timber and ditches - it's exhilarating."

If you're looking for something to get your heart racing, this could be the answer. The rewards are many - boosting the confidence of the horse (and rider), helping both become braver and improving your forwardness.

You will need a team of three or four. Two rider falls or three refusals at the same fence prompt elimination. How you arrange your team goes hand-in-hand with success. You'll need a bold, brave horse to lead the way, plus following horses who aren't fighting to get to the front. Go for a practice round in the lead-up - and enjoy yourself!

The first team chase was aired live on TV on Good Friday 1974, following a meeting between Douglas Dunn (British barrister, businessman and founder of the All England Jumping Course at Hickstead) and Alan Mouncer. Douglas suggested organising a chase at Hickstead and the T&Cs were written on the back of a menu. It was the start of something great, and the sport's popularity has grown ever since.

To find out more about team chasing and how to get involved, visit

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